22 novembre 2024

Quand Staline n’était pas = Hitler

« Staline n’a pas flanché… »

Le 9 mai, c’est le jour de la libération à l’occupant fasciste dans les pays d’Europe de l’est. A l’ouest, les communistes et Staline n’ont pas toujours été diabolisé. Pendant la seconde Guerre mondiale, le fascisme devint la première menace pour le monde entier. La lutte héroïque du peuple russe et de Staline contre l’envahisseur nazi était saluée à sa juste mesure. Bien loin des commémorations actuelles en Occident minimisant par anticommunisme le tribut payé par l’URSS dans la lutte antifasciste, les artistes de l’époque témoignent de la reconnaissance des peuples du monde pour les vrais combattants ! L’écoute du tube Stalin wasn’t Stallin écrit par Willie T. Johnson en 1943 et chanté par le Golden Gate Jubilee Quartet aux États-Unis pendant IIe Guerre Mondiale, déchire un morceau du voile de mépris qui a été jeté sur les millions de morts qui ont sauvé le monde de l’expansion nazie. En 1980, le chanteur contestataire Robert Wyatt reprenait ce sermon contre Hitler.

Confinés, pas résignés, nous célébrons ce 9 mai au son de Staline Wasn’t Stallin.

Stalin wasn’t stallin’
When he told the beast of Berlin
That they’d never rest contented
Till they had driven him from the land

So he called the yanks and English
And proceeded to extinguish
The fuhrer and its vermin
This is how it all began

Now the devil, he was readin’
In the good book one day
How that lord created Adam
To walk the righteous way

And it made the devil jealous
He turned green onto his [?]
And he swore by things unholy
And he made one of his own

So he packed two suitcases
Full of greed and misery
And he caught the midnight special
Going down to Germany

Then he mixed his lies and hatred
With fire and grim stones
Then the devil sat upon it
That’s how Adolf was born

Now Adolf got the notion
That he was the master race
And he swore he’d bring new order
And put mankind in its place

So he set his scheme in motion
And was winnin’ everywhere
Until he [?] and got the notion
For to kick that Russian bear

Stalin wasn’t stallin’
When he told the beast of Berlin
That they’d never rest contented
Till they had driven him from the land

So he called the yanks and English
And proceeded to extinguish
The fuhrer and its vermin
This is how it all began

Yes, he kicked that noble Russian
But it wasn’t very long
Before Adolf got suspicious
That he had done somethin’ wrong

Cause that bear grabbed the fuhrer
And gave him an awful fight
Seventeen months he grabbed the fuhrer
Tooth and claws, day and night

Then that bear smacked the fuhrer
With a mighty armored core
And Adolf broke all records
Runnin’ backwards to Krakow

Then Goebbels sent a message
To the people everywhere
That if they couldn’t hit the fuhrer
God, then hit that Russian bear

Stalin wasn’t stallin’
When he told the beast of Berlin
That they’d never rest contented
Till they had driven him from the land

So he called the yanks and English
And proceeded to extinguish
The fuhrer and its vermin
This is how it all began

Then this bear called on his buddy
The noble fighting yank
And they sent the fuhrer runnin’
With their ships and planes and tanks

Now the fuhrer’s havin’ nightmares
Cause the fuhrer knows damn well
That the devil’s done roast welcome
On his residence in hell

Stalin wasn’t stallin’
When he told the beast of Berlin
That they’d never rest contented
Till they had driven him from the land

So he called the yanks and English
And proceeded to extinguish
The fuhrer and its vermin
This is how it all began

Source : LyricFind Paroliers : Willie T. Johnson

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